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4plast - о пресс-формах на английском

4plast is the international name of a group of companies known in Russia as “Promishlenniye Technologii”
Until recently our company worked in Russia and CIS markets, so our site is in Russian. This page will tell you how we can help to save your time and trouble manufacturing molds. While we are working on translating our whole site into English, please, feel free to use Google translate to check our gallery and video sections or contact our manager to learn more.
Thank you for your interest in our company :)
Have you always been attracted by the benefits of manufacturing plastic injection moulds in China? But at the same time you are deterred by the inherent amount of risk and the necessity to personally exercise meticulous control and supervise every step of the process to get the result you really seek?
We are here to save you the trouble of:
  • Designing a 3D model of your product
  • Picking up the right factory to do the job
  • Drafting and negotiating a requirements specification
  • Designing and adjusting the 3D design of your mould in cooperation with the factory
  • Checking steel quality
  • Supervising the manufacturing process
  • Personally monitoring the trials
  • Delivering the samples
  • Improvement and follow-on project control
  • Pre-shipment inspection of your mould.
We take full responsibility for pre-production and production control of your mould.
Our assets: 
  • Personal account manager
    - Keep in touch with a SINGLE person for quick access to ANY information on demand regarding your mould being designed, manufactured or tested
    - European mind-set and approach to work
    - Satisfying your needs is on our stuff’s personal agenda
  • Design department
    - Team of experienced designers with expertise in developing complex projects for defense industry
    - Predictable result
  • Quality Control Department
    - Competent specialists speaking 3 languages, who are stationed within touch of the factories
    - Constant control and regular updates at every production stage
    - Always reliable and up-to-date information
  • System approach
    - Established business-processes and technologies
    - Well-running, tried and tested mechanism of processing and transferring information
    - The results you get do not depend on external factors like broken equipment, bad weather or a laborer’s state of mind.
    - Our technologies are kept up-to-date using latest experience.
  • Expertise in mould production and operation.
    - Since 2005 we've been manufacturing and using our own moulds
    - Since 2008 we have supplied more than 50 clients from all over Russia with moulds of various complexity and size. 
Chinese manufacture under European supervision.
Designing 3D model of your product 
  • We can design the 3D model of your product from scratch or perform technological assessment of an existing design, make suggestions for improvement. If need be, we can also improve it ourselves and prepare the drafts.
Picking up the right factory to do the job 
  • Our supplier assessment procedure includes thorough examination of the production facilities along with the training and experience of the technical stuff.
  • At the outset of every project we obtain a written agreement with the factory of choosing, stating the acceptance of our conditions by the supplier. 
  • Our decision about placing a particular order is based on our history of cooperation with the factory as well as its profile.
  • Being a preferred client for many factories we usually enjoy better conditions of cooperation. 
Drafting and negotiating a requirements specification 
  • Before placing an order our manager and designer together with the client representative make sure a future project is examined and stated on paper in full detail. This ensures full correspondence of each mould to the demands of the client and prevents excessive changes and tweaking “on the run”, which can cause serious delay.
  • We have developed a form of requirements specification which precludes any ambiguity or speculation. It also eliminates any possibility of a loss of quality due to use of cheaper substitutes in manufacturing. We always get our requirements completely understood and accepted in their entirety by the production factory.
Designing and adjusting the 3D design of your mould in cooperation with the factory 
  • We do not believe in trade-off in quality. Our engineers carefully check 3D drafts and control their adjustment in line with the requirements stated in specifications.
  • Complex designs requiring specific engineering expertise are outsourced to one of our contractors with experience in the required field.
  • The factories always commence manufacturing strictly according to the confirmed 3D design, and along the settled design guidelines. 
Checking steel quality
  • Chemical makeup of steel used in shaping plates is verified by a laboratory in Shanghai. Our specialists also perform hardness tests of all parts of the mould.  Reports are available on demand.
  • If heat treatment, nitriding or other kind of treatment is required, the hardness test is performed twice: before and after the procedure. 
Supervising the manufacturing process 
  • We supply our clients with a production plan for every mould and weekly updates on the progress.
  • Every week our engineer visits the factory where the order is placed and checks the progress. Photo or video reports are made each time and are available on demand.
  • We keep in touch with a factory’s appointed representative as well as technical personnel in direct contact with the moulds. This gives us quicker access to first-hand knowledge of the situation as well as information about possible complications with a particular mould in production. It also enables us to directly bring our exact requirements to the people in charge.
Personally monitoring the trials
  • There’s no need for you to be present at every trial and waste you time. Or trust the factory’s assessment implicitly and rely entirely on their reports. Our expert engineer attends every trial and keeps track of all necessary parameters for you.
  • We make sure the plastic used during the trial is of the required sort and quality.
  • We also check if injection moulding machines prepared for trials meet the requirements of corresponding specifications. 
  • After the trial all obtained data is promptly processed and follow-on instructions are prepared.
  • On demand a complete trial report, including photo and video is provided.
Delivering the samples
  • No need to wait for the samples to arrive to get the control measurement data – we provide you with it right away.
  • The samples will let you see you future product, check it according to you standards and give us your feedback or if need be, suggestions on improvement.
  • We can either provide you with samples after the final trial only or after every trial if so agreed.
Improvement and follow-on project control 
  • We supervise every stage of correction and improvement process to making sure nothing is overlooked and all necessary procedures are performed in due course while avoiding any delays at the same time.
  • We communicate directly with engineers and technical personnel working on our projects to avoid any misunderstanding or information loss, which sometimes occur when communicating through appointed representatives.
  • Should any changes be introduced to a mould it’s our rule to have a control trial.
Pre-shipment inspection of your mould
  • After the Final trial every mould is checked for damage.
  • We thoroughly control the completeness of every delivery.
  • Our specialist monitor and check laying-up and boxing of all moulds before shipment.

Thank you for choosing us!

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